Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trying Too Hard

Really wanted this to be another keen action shot for Tease. So of course it sucked.

Really, the harder I try the worse it gets.


Thomas Fummo said...

Do not worry my friend.
I'm not that particularly happy with my last comic either. I wanted to do a cool action film parody but in the end it just turned out as stupid insane gibberish again.
Once you get your inspiration back you won't even have to try. Get well soon, hope your joints are better.

Anonymous said...

If you ever need ideas:

From time to time I've asked Tristan to draw things for me and he's always refused. “Hey Tristan, sketch Superman flying in a wheelchair.” Or “How about we do a webcomic devoted entirely to infant suicides?” He wasn't for that, and I think I know why. I wasn't playing to his strengths and interests as an artist. But as I slept tonight it came to me. Nobody has ever drawn a comic about the Holocaust and peopled it with mechs and bunny girls. We could have a row of emaciated women doing a can can. He loves drawing action.